What is a Bike Skills Park?
A Bike Skills Park is a purpose-built facility for all types of bicycles, including BMX, mountain, dirt jump, pedal-less bikes, and more. The parks are designed to give riders of all ages and skill levels the ability to get outdoors and safely improve their bike riding skills. A bike park may include pump tracks, progressive jumps, skills courses, trails, and other features.

Project Timeline
Timeline item 1 - complete
Phase 1 - Feasibility Study
Timeline item 2 - complete
Phase 2 – Further Public Engagement
Timeline item 3 - complete
Phase 3 – Analyze Feedback and Develop Site Recommendation
Timeline item 4 - complete
Phase 4 – Phased Approach and Amenities Desired by Public Feedback
Timeline item 5 - complete
Phase 5 – Final Report
Phase 1
Phase 1 – Feasibility Study
The feasibility study was presented to Council on October 10, 2023. Council referred the project back to Administration for further actions, including continued user engagement, site assessment, development of a site recommendation, recommended funding sources, timing and phased approaches, community partner commitment, and operational impacts. The project is set to return to Council by September 30, 2024, with additional information and recommendations for further consideration.
Phase 2
Phase 2 – Further Public Engagement
Public feedback is essential to help shape this study. What site do you think is best? What features are most important? What support amenities are important?
As part of Phase 2 of the process, the City was eager to gather insights and preferences from the community regarding site location and feature considerations. Residents were able to participate in the engagement process through the following channels:
- Online Survey: Available until July 1, the survey sought to capture the community's feedback on the proposed park site.
- Pop-Up Information Displays: Scheduled at the Dow Centennial Centre, Harbour Pool, and City Hall from mid-April to the end of June.
- Community Events: City staff were present to answer questions and facilitate survey participation at several events, including:
- Trade Show at Dow Centennial Centre, April 19-21
- Information Sessions at DCC on May 8 and at City Hall on May 30, from 5:00 – 7:30 pm
- Legacy Park Family Festival on June 1
Phase 3
Phase 3 – Analyze Feedback and Develop Site Recommendation
This phase will capture feedback from community partners and residents on their preferred location. A high-level internal site assessment will be undertaken at the recommended site.
Phase 4
Phase 4 – Phased Approach and Amenities Desired by Public Feedback
Summarize public input on the preferred site, features consideration, important amenities, site assessment, recommended funding sources, timing and phased approaches, community partner commitment, and operational impacts in a report form.
Phase 5
Phase 5 – Final Report
Present the final report to Council in September 2024.
Why is this study occurring?
During the 2023 budget deliberations, Council directed Administration to investigate the feasibility of constructing a Bike Skills Park within Fort Saskatchewan. The report had Council requesting Administration to dig deeper by continued user engagement, site recommendation, further site assessment, funding sources, timing, phased approaches, operational impacts, and community partners by September 30, 2024.
How did the City come up with these three site locations?
Seventeen sites underwent evaluation using a scoring matrix, leading to the identification of the top three sites. A group of individuals with backgrounds in environmental protection, cycling, mountain biking, and indigenous interests thoroughly reviewed the matrix. The scoring matrix can be found in the Bike Skills Park Feasibility Study.
How were the community partners chosen?
Community partners were identified based on their background and knowledge in environmental protection, cycling and mountain biking, and indigenous interests, which were considered in informing the initial study.
Why is the public being asked about the preferred location?
While a decision hasn’t been made on moving forward with a bike skills project, this input will be valuable in informing the next steps should the project proceed at some point. Public input is crucial for determining the location of a Bike Skills Park because it ensures community engagement, diverse perspectives, and a collaborative decision-making process that aligns with the needs and preferences of the residents while factoring in site assessment, amenities, and operational impacts.
Why a Bike Skills Park when the City has an abundance of paved and single-use trails?
A Bike Skills Park is a purpose-built facility for bicycles of all types, including BMX, mountain, dirt jump, and pedal-less bikes. They are designed to give riders of all ages and skill levels the ability to get outdoors and safely improve their bike riding skills. A bike park may include pump tracks, progressive jumps, skills courses, trails, and other features. A bike skill park typically complements rather than competes with a trail system.
Is this current study costing taxpayers more money?
This study requested by Council is being conducted in-house using existing administration resources.
What is the cost of building a Bike Skills Park?
Depending on the site location and amenities, and if a phased-in approach is desired, the Class 5 Capital cost can range between $600 thousand and $1.1 million.
What is the cost to operate an amenity like a Bike Skills Park?
Depending on the site location and amenities, and if a phased-in approach is desired, the Class 5 Operational impact can range between 7-10% of capital cost.
Will the Bike Skills Park be free to access?
Yes, the Bike Skills Park would be available during park hours, 6:00 am – 11:00 pm.
Will the park be supervised?
No, the Bike Skills Park will not be supervised; it will operate similarly to other outdoor park spaces such as playgrounds, skate parks, and fields, relying on spontaneous use without City supervision, with parents responsible for determining if their child requires supervision.
Are Bike Skill Parks dangerous?
Bike parks cater to riders of all skill levels, offering various features and trails to accommodate individual preferences. It's crucial for riders to assess their abilities and utilize proper safety equipment while navigating bike parks.
Will a Bike Skills Park harm the environment?
The scoring matrix found in the Bike Skills Park Feasibility Study factored in environmental impacts such as a site with natural undulating terrain, well-draining soil, and the development's impact on the natural area. This consideration helped inform the three sites selected to be recommended for public input and ultimately to Council.
Will the Bike Skills Park be accessible?
The park will be designed as a year-round recreation area with accessibility access in mind to allow users with a range of physical abilities the opportunity to experience what the park offers.
Where will the funding for Bike Skills Park come from?
The study might be considered in future budget deliberations, offering chances to reduce the tax impact by seeking grants and sponsorship opportunities.
If I have additional questions, who do I reach out to?
Fort Report on the city website is the best process for asking questions and receiving follow-up. However, feedback through this venue will not be captured in the report but given to Council. Feedback from the survey will be presented in the report.